Why not to listen to music while working out

Maximilian Rehn
2 min readMay 6, 2021


When looking at people jogging it is easy to notice the vast majority are listening to something. Be it music, podcasts or anything in between — they are running, walking or working out with their headphones on.

When doing this you are missing out on the biggest benefit from physical movement — letting your mind rest. While working out or simply walking you have this great opportunity to let the mind wander. To notice your surroundings and more importantly, to notice yourself. Feel your being, think about your life and whatever is on your mind.

Of course you might say you do this while listening to music. I believe this is not the case — it has been shown time and time again humans are not good at multitasking. For me, music definitely is a distraction. It takes some of my energy. At the very least it affects my mood and thoughts, like an extra variable in my mind that adds to the chaos.

Just being aware of the mind and your thoughts is a hard task in itself. Try it sometime, it takes a lot of awareness. Music then affects me in different ways and moves my mind to albeit fun feelings and tangents — but still movements that are more or less artificial. They only last while the music is there and then disappear as fast. Have you ever had headphones on with your favorite beat? You feel like the coolest chap ever! Then suddenly for some reason you have to take them off to talk to someone or whatever and you instantly lose that feeling. Suddenly without the music you feel out of place. That's no fun — except if you’re chasing that artificial feeling.

In addition to this consider how struggling modern people are to simply be aware of their own chattering mind. Why not use this relaxed feeling you get from physical workout to actually be aware when you have the chance. I would much rather do it at such times, compared to when lying awake at night trying to fall asleep.

There is however the case where music does add a lot: if you want to push yourself to your limits physically. Then it does give you that eye of the tiger feeling and allows you to be stronger. Other than that I don’t see much use for it.

This is why I nowadays prefer much more to walk, jog or train in silence — without headphones. There is plenty to listen to nonetheless. The sounds of nature, of people chatting, of my own mind chattering —there is too much noise already!

Thanks for reading.



Maximilian Rehn
Maximilian Rehn

Written by Maximilian Rehn

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