Why not having free will is a good thing

Maximilian Rehn
1 min readMar 16, 2022


  1. The universe seems to be deterministic, i.e. predictable. If you roll back the universe exactly one hour — you as a human being will do everything exactly the same the past hour that led you to read this post.
  2. Maybe there is some quantum randomness — but then it is just deterministic with dice rolling involved. I also think what we call randomness is simply something we don’t fundamentally understand — so we call it random.
  3. This means we don’t really have free will. All we do is predetermined and the subjective feeling of free choice is an illusion.
  4. This lack of free will results in one beautiful insight regarding human life.
  5. Every mistake made is something you personally are not really responsible for. It is more like bad luck of how life has played out for you to make that mistake. This allows you to be more forgiving of yourself, and also, of others.
  6. Being more forgiving of yourself and others is a good thing. This allows you to live a more free life — not stuck in heavy thoughts and emotions like judgment, guilt, and anger.
  7. These heavy thoughts and emotions can have a role to play sometimes. However, most of the time we think and act better when not under the influence of them.
  8. Learn this insight from not having free will and become more forgiving.

Thanks for reading.



Maximilian Rehn

Change is good. Writing too slowly wastes your time, while writing too quickly wastes your ideas. Writing too long wastes other people’s time, while…