Train of Thought OR: Cause and Effect
Cause and effect, causes an effect, which causes an effect, which causes an effect… Which goes on. Do you see how easy it is to have a “bad day” or a “good day”? If the initial effect is negative it is easy to spread onto the next effect and cause it to be negative as well. This is probably why there’s that saying “to get up on the right foot in the morning”…
Example One: I wake up and receive a mean comment and for some reason doubt myself in a negative way. This causes my first encounter of the day to be negative, I don’t enjoy it. This causes the discussion to flow in a negative way. This causes me to leave early and rather spend some time alone because I’m in a foul mood.
Example Two: I wake up and do a quick workout which releases a lot of endorphins and gets me in a positive mood afterwards. This causes my first encounter of the day to be positive, I enjoy it. This causes the discussion to flow in a positive way. I feel good and decide to spend more time with friends or challenging thoughts because I feel I have the energy for it.
A different start to the the cause and effect chain has massive impact down the line. What sort of experiences, thoughts or actions do you know that are good to start a positive cause and effect chain? Or even better, what sort of thoughts or actions do you know that can end a negative chain and start a positive one?
I for one have noticed that writing these texts have a good effect on me, or a smile.