Small rituals that can start a positive state of mind (incomplete list)
Any small thing that can turn a negative spiral into a positive one during a day is a powerful tool. While being in these negative spiral states it is most difficult to try these things. That is when you need them the most. Here’s the list:
Physical workout
Socializing with other people (probably the best on this list, at least for me)
Games (anything that challenges the mind, I prefer computer games)
Eating nutritious food
There is never a certainty these things will turn around a negative day. It is more like pulling the lever on a gambling machine. Each time you pull the level (do something on the list), there is a chance you might feel better. It is never certain but doing these things more increases one’s chances.
Other things that work but are unsustainable in the long term— thus not part of the real list:
Different mind-altering drugs (depends on personality, resistance, environment etc)
Thanks for reading.