Renaissance 2.0 or the “digital renaissance”—what is it?
Reneissance 2.0 is a creative force sweeping the world.. The effects of the Internet and digitalization are flourishing — if you have the energy & attention to see and use them.
Reneissance 2.0 is the combination of two things:
- flourishing humans based on ancient ideas like buddhism, stoicism & Plato’s musings. Well-being, happiness, high-virtue, and right moral action are once more a compass for many.
- new technology (Internet, digitalization, AI etc.)
With regards to 1), Influencers are inspiring a new generation of people to take care of their body, mind and soul. This results in more creative & capable people.
And 2) people command a range of digital tools never seen before. It is powerful creative stuff. And it is in the nick of time. Humanity has some great problems that urgently needs solving so lets get to it!
Thanks for reading.