If you feel anger, return in 24 hours
George Gurdjieff was 9 years old and his father was dying. His last words to Gurdjieff are immensely significant.
His father said, “I know you may not be able to understand right now what I am saying, but I have no more time, I have to say it now. But you have time — just remember the words. Whenever you have enough maturity to understand what these words mean, then act on these words. But don’t forget! Remember, it is a simple sentence.”
He told Gurdjieff to repeat the sentence three times, so he could die peacefully.
And he said, “Forgive me because I am not leaving any inheritance to you except this sentence.”
And what was the sentence? — a very simple sentence. He said: “Remember, if somebody creates anger in you, tell the person you will come back after twenty-four hours to answer him. For twenty-four hours, wait; and after twenty-four hours, whatever comes to you, go and do.”
This is a deep insight — next time someone awakes anger in you; try it and you might learn something. It might teach you the fleetingness of emotion. Often you will realize your anger was in vain — whatever felt so big and made you angry was in fact not so big after all.
Thanks for reading.