Create experience to learn from
1 min readJan 18, 2022
- We learn from experience. This means we can ask the question, how to create an optimal experience for learning?
- Neuroscience is starting to answer these types of questions. We know the brain is constantly changing, learning from its surroundings. Now we can aim to learn something specific and create optimal experiences for that.
- Examples would be learning to focus. We can find the pathways in the brain that create focus — and then we create experiences that activate those pathways, as training.
- Computer games like EndeavourRx have proven this works and received FDA approval for their game experience targeting children with ADHD.
- This opens up a totally new avenue for how we create a learning experience. It is almost like a shaman creating a mystical experience in order for patients to learn.
- You can use game environment to create this experience, but you can also use anything else like drugs, movies, exercise or whatever that gets the job done.
- Using technology such as MRI scanners we can actually measure how well different experiences activate certain parts of the brain. This validates the experience.
- We can also test before and after and simply measure how well people learned what we hoped they would learn from said experience.
- Finally, this is important because it implies every experience you partake in as a human being you will learn from. It can be good or bad. Thats up to you, as a free leader of your own life, to create the right experiences for yourself.
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